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Report confirms some Vietnam veterans may have been exposed to Agent Orange
Many of the vets who are sick with diseases that can be related to Agent Orange have had their VA claims denied.

A study released by the VA in January confirmed previous findings that vets could have been exposed to Agent Orange
Courtesy of WYSO

The group Vietnam Veterans of America is criticizing the department of Veterans Affairs. They are joining the chorus demanding answers for 2,000 or so people who crewed the planes that were used to spray Agent Orange in the 70's after those planes came back from the war. For Ohio Public Radio, WYSO’s Lewis Wallace reports a response from the VA on those vets’ issues has been delayed.

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A study released by the VA in January confirmed previous findings that these vets could have been exposed to Agent Orange at dangerous levels while they were flying the planes on bases in Ohio, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. But many of the vets who are sick with diseases that can be related to Agent Orange have had their VA claims denied.

More than three weeks ago now, VA Secretary Robert McDonald told senators an announcement would be coming within the week on the issue. That’s been pushed back to an unknown date, which Barbara Carson says is disappointing. She’s appealed her claim for benefits after her husband, a former reservist, died of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

"You know they’ve denied this for years, and they can’t deny it anymore. They’ve got to admit to it."

The Vietnam Veterans of America have now joined with the reservists and families calling for a more aggressive response from the VA.

A VA rep said only that the VA is examining policy and legislative issues.

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